September 29, 2021

September 28, 2021

kitchen notes, mmxxi-ix-xxviii

trail notes, mmxxi-ix-xxviii

we ran into my daughter and grandsons at the park this morning,
they were there with their other grandma

September 27, 2021

ranch notes, mmxxi-ix-xxvii

new mini at the barn, Casper
Cora doesn't seem to like him - she charged him three times this morning
but that might be a resource-guarding thing - she wants his grain
I've never seen her do that before, though
(I've seen her feint at dogs but never a charge)
easy to forget just how big and powerful she is till you see something like that

trail notes, mmxxi-ix-xxvii

the sky was nice this morning as i headed out with CĂș

September 24, 2021

critter notes, mmxxi-ix-xxiv

leeloo got some garden time
and stayed close for a good while afterward,
seemed like she was hoping
we were gonna go right back out again

garden notes, mmxxi-ix-xxiv

tarantula hawk wasp

ranch notes, mmxxi-ix-xxiv

the horse is petey, the bird is a phoebe

September 23, 2021

family notes, mmxxi-ix-xxiii

trail notes

that time CĂș discovered he was walking
around with a international super sleuth

September 22, 2021

ranch notes, mmxxi-ix-xxii

those crows are always up to something

September 18, 2021

critter notes, mmxxi-ix-xviii

faye and junji came over to visit

garden notes, mmxxi-ix-xviii

young scrub jay


September 17, 2021

September 15, 2021

ranch notes, mmxxi-ix-xv

the pink trailer is the coolest, it belongs to some prospective new boarders
i never knew the tiny lawn weed flowers were so colorful
the seed pod is a devil's claw, indigenous basket weavers use them
boomer is cool, he likes neck scratches