April 27, 2020

April 20, 2020

mule notes, mmxx-iv-xx

not Cora's hair, but it could be
(she's been losing hers more gradually, this was probably from a stripper brush)
we had a nice short ride today - 
she didn't want to leave the arena 'cuz
Dexter and Hope and Harmada were out grazing

critter notes, mmxx-iv-xx

April 18, 2020

family notes, mmxx-iv-xviii

our youngest child turned 30 today
we stopped by for a minute

April 17, 2020

trail notes, mmxx-iv-xvii

critter notes, mmxx-iv-xvii

ranch notes, mmxx-iv-xvii

the mares were out on the middle part of the ranch
and the tall horses were out on the upper
so I went on a photo safari while everybody grazed