August 20, 2021

ranch notes, mmxxi-viii-xx

last morning at the ranch (moving on Sunday)
did a quiet walkabout and said goodbye to the labyrinth, then
hung out with the mares as they napped in the shade
my first trip here was veteran's day 2016, just shy of five years ago
it was like my hogwarts


  1. What's #2?
    Yes, it has been a good place...
    but even Harry moved on from Hogwarts;
    New places to explore and find grace.
    Thinking of you and Cora, making adjustments.
    Will she move in a trailer?

    1. #2 is a small toad keeping cool in a hole in the ground, and yes, a trailer

    2. #2 is a small toad keeping cool in a hole in the ground, and yes, a trailer
