May 16, 2018

mule notes, mmxviii-v-xvi

New round bale!
Donatello, in the neighboring paddock, was totally jealous. (He's next.)
I sat on the ground in a corner of Cora's paddock for an hour after work. She came by and got some carrots but I think I was weirding her out. Might be something you have to do a lot or not at all; I mean, we mostly ignore each other when I'm mucking her paddock, but that's a whole different thing than sitting quietly in one spot. Hmm. The sitting is meant to be the opposite of threatening, but maybe it seems to her like something a predator might do? I'll have to think about that. I should try sitting facing away from her, you know, just minding my own business, but still in her company. And also yeah maybe bring a chair.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 16, 2018

    yeah, horse/mule thinking might be confounding, but friend is friend...
