August 31, 2016

trail and exercise notes, mmxvi-viii-xxxi

171 miles for August. 1,234 for the year - how cool is that?
August weather was strange - super hot for the first two weeks then off-and-on rain for the last two. It's never been this green this time of year - looks more May than August.

August 29, 2016

garden notes, mmxvi-viii-xxix

snippets, 8-29-2016

Farewell, Gene Wilder. (Variety) "He simply couldn't bear the thought of one less smile in the world."

August 25, 2016

trail notes, mmxvi-viii-xxv

snippets two, 8-25-2016

"At my age," said the old man, "one grows no older. No one who walks the world as I do need ever grow any older. You can walk thirty miles on Monday when you are twenty years old; good. If you can do it on Monday you can do it on Tuesday; and if on Tuesday, then on Wednesday; therefore, by an easy reckoning, you can do it as well at eighty years old as at twenty. Thus you never age." 

"There's a flaw in that somewhere," said the Student.

- W. W. Tarn, The Treasure of the Isle of Mist, 1920.

Ten stars for this book.

snippets, 8-25-2016

On reading: in words and pictures, Reading and resting and Children, reading and tough magic (Myth & Moor). Indeed: