May 14, 2010

wedding bracelet

I haven't worn a wedding ring for several years now; over the course of our long marriage I have worn out and outgrown two of them. The first was the gold and white-gold band I started our marriage wearing. I never took it off, ever, even through my four and a half years in the Army. (The Army allows you to wear two pieces of jewelry, a watch and a wedding ring.) But after I got out of the Army I gained some weight and eventually the ring didn't fit. The second was a sterling Celtic knot ring. It wore out.

We've looked off and on for a replacement, but nothing has really caught my interest. It would have to be something minimal for the sake of my guitar-playing.

As for bracelets, I used to wear a jute friendship bracelet my youngest made for me, but it eventually wore out and broke. I missed it, so I asked my wife to make me another. I wanted something thin, with three rocks or beads, with a metal clasp.

The rest was up to her, and she wove this bracelet out of hemp, with three small wooden beads. I wear it all the time. She made it with her heart and hands; the three beads represent our children. I never take it off. Every time I look at it it reminds me of everything in the world I love best.