August 24, 2020

ranch notes, mmxx-viii-xxiv

The veterinarian confirmed that Cora has a capped hock, but her gait is good, she's not showing any pain, and the ultrasound showed the joint was fine. There are several treatment options, but none seemed a whole lot better than letting nature take care of it, so for now we're going to monitor and re-evaluate on their next visit to the ranch.
The flowers are Snow on the Mountain. There's a very similar plant called Snow on the Prairie, which would make more sense around here seein' as how the nearest mountains are a few hundred miles away, but I think that one has narrower leaves.


  1. what does a capped hock involve?

    1. It's a kind of bursitis, a fluid-filled pocket on her hock. There's a picture down below on Aug 17 where you can see the swollen left hock and the normal right (although she does have a bit of fluid on her right, too).
