Donatello this morning and Cora hiding yesterday. (We tried putting Cora in a paddock with Wyatt but Wyatt was a jerk so we moved her back.)
Cora did a couple surprising things today. She was lying down in her paddock like she was taking a nap but then she slid her head flat and sideways against the ground under the electric fence to nibble at a tiny fringe of grass on the other side. That's a new one. Then after work I tested her ability to "target" an object, which is where you ask them touch something with their nose and then reward when they do. Either she understood it right away or she's done it before; I asked her to touch a grooming brush in three different locations (up high, down low, to the right) and she nailed it all three times, but then we ran out of carrots. (We'd been doing some other stuff already, like forward and back steps. She typically gets three or four little carrot slices as a reward and she works for them eagerly.)
I love this place!