June 18, 2018

ranch notes, mmxviii-vi-xviii

The mares got into the round bales over the weekend and chewed the protective mesh netting off of several, which makes them nearly impossible to move without falling apart. When I got to my car at the end of my shift I still had hay stuck in my hat.
Cora is awesome. Awesome. We've been doing a little positive reinforcement training, touching a target - today I threaded a bandana through the end of a dressage whip and she got it right away. We're going to keep working on "touch" and then we'll also start working on backing and head lowering. (I have a book. She already steps back and forward on request beautifully but we're taking it step by step.) We've been walking nicely together on a lead rope lately too.
Rumor's owner Kelly made the arch for her son's wedding and gave it to the ranch. Up close and in person it's a work of art. Makes everything around it feel sacred. There are three baby red-tailed hawks on the property right now  - they like to sit on it and yell.

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