October 15, 2013

snippets, 10-15-2013

It will come to you. Great article, phantasmagoric pictures.

I'm struggling to understand what I'm doing with my picture-taking device; part of me suspects that I take pictures in order to avoid writing, but there's probably more to it than that; I mean, I've been doing it a long time. I remember my first Kodak Instamatic - $10 was a lot of money for a little kid. (Second grade, I think, so I was what, seven?) "Something something light" would be a good description of the conversation I have with myself when I'm taking pictures. (Also, "Pan, hold still!") I'm not a candidate for giving a TED talk anytime soon, which is probably a good thing; those headset microphones look so stupid.

Oh, hey, while I'm snippeting, I'd like to recommend The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot. There's some serious mojo in that book.


  1. I don't think you're avoiding writing. I think your photography is like writing. Does that make sense? I get more from most of your pictures than I do from conversations with....most....people.

    1. Well, if a picture is worth a thousand words, there are at least a couple novels here. Once Upon a Time in Round Rock...

  2. Interesting article--from one trekking into unusual places. I like your photos because they
    give a new vision to things near and often unobserved.

    Yeah--do the Once upon a time in Round Rock--beauty unseen and missed whilst there all along.

    1. but yeah maybe that's it, been too busy seein' it - i try not to miss the beauty parts lol

  3. and--I agree with Sandi

  4. your photography is like poetry...truly inspiring!

    1. Heh. Apparently I write a lot of poems about dogs. (And oddy enough, I just put a book of dog poetry on my Amazon wish list. So that's like a real thing!)

  5. Everybody (well, mostly) likes reading/seeing about dogs. Man's best friend and all.
    I'll bet you have photos to go with those poems. or poems to go with those photos.

    1. Mostly limericks. "There once was a critter named Pan/..."

  6. those are hard to do
