December 1, 2012

field notes, 12-1-12

Took Pan out for another 5k walk this morning. (The elm tree a couple posts below was from that walk.) He seemed pretty pooped by the time we got home. On our evening walk Ondine and I discovered a festival in the park; instead of detouring around it we plunged right in, and despite squeaky strollers, running children, generators blowing air into bouncy castles, a miniature train with an annoying bell, and many loosely held hot dogs and sticks of cotton candy, Ondine didn't bat an eye and stayed right with me. Whosagooodgirl?


  1. So if I leave Pete with you for an extended period of time, would he be that good at a festival?

  2. lol we'd lose Pete in the pit of plastic balls.."raringa!"

  3. Oh those hotdogs wouldn't have a prayer if Aidan was there ;-)

  4. a well-trained companion

  5. Well, I try to be :) - I think sensory overload is the more credible explanation.
