April 30, 2012

april 2012 stats

Month 2012-04
Activity Walk
Count 51
Total Distance (miles) 114.43
Total Walk Time 33:08:35
Total Ascent (feet) 10851
Total Descent (feet) 5879
Total Calories 12528
Average Distance (miles) 2.24
Average Walk Time 0:39:00
Average Ascent (feet) 213
Average Descent (feet) 115
Average Calories 246
Average Speed (mph) 3.45
Average Pace 0:17:23
Fastest Speed (mph) 8.03
Fastest Pace 0:07:28

I have an app called runmeter on my phone. It's pretty cool.

April 25, 2012

field notes, iv-xxv-xii

Today was hot and tomorrow will be hotter, but tonight's sundown breezes were cool. On our walk to the park this evening Ondine lifted her muzzle to the sky with the wind's every freshening.

Later, Flipper chased a few fireflies.

garden rat

These guys hang out in the garden all night. They don't ordinarily come out during the day. This was just after the sun went down.

April 22, 2012

April 21, 2012

April 19, 2012


We have struggled mightily to keep this plant alive through three years of heat and drought. Yay!

where do dreams come from?

April 16, 2012

April 15, 2012

april flowers

Bluebonnet season is just about over.

April 14, 2012


An overcast, breezy day. Mid-70s. Walked Aries two miles and Ondine four.

April 13, 2012

snippets, 4-13-12

Great, great post: Why I farm. If you like dogs, read all of Dr. McConnell's books and tune into her blog.

Along a similar vein, I'm currently reading The Earth Has a Soul: C.G. Jung on Nature, Technology and Modern Life, edited by Meredith Sabini. Dr. Jung was a perceptive fellow.

In other news, don't ever visit the dentist on Friday the 13th. I discovered today that all the dentists the wide world over have made a secret pact to sharpen their instruments every Thursday the 12th. True story.

April 11, 2012

April 10, 2012

onion blossom

The thistles around and about are all in blossom, too. I wonder if they're related? I'd ask Google but Google wearies me. I'm just gonna speculate and draw my own conclusions. About everything. From now on. So there.

April 8, 2012

sunflowers and tiki

easter 2012

They used to put roosters on churches to remind people of Matthew 26:34. (I don't think this guy is a rooster. Looks more like a scruffy desert wren to me.)

happy easter!

April 4, 2012

field notes, iv-iv-xii

I've recently taken both Aries and Ondine separately on a new walk I call the Perimeter Patrol. It follows the streets that form the outermost boundaries of our neighborhood, which I define loosely as including all the streets connecting to ours that don't cross a four-lane road. The new route is about four miles. Both of the dogs seemed to like it a lot, but we have the advantage this week of walking in a cooler part of the morning, since I'm burning some vacation time. Not sure they'd like it as much with the greater traffic and heat of 5:00 p.m. (Ondine's been terrific lately. Noted for the record. She still struggles with loud diesel trucks, but she mostly stands still - straining, but standing - as other cars go by. Vast improvement.)

roses with spiderwebs and windchimes

April 1, 2012

happy april!

I got to take some pictures of Mike and Sandi and Pete among the bluebonnets this morning. :)

snippets, 4-1-12

We're number one! Woot. Remember, kids: Friends don't let friends play with skunks and bats.