July 31, 2010

more austin

Iconic Austin: a beautiful orange single-speed city bike with matching rack and fenders, Wheatsville Co-op, Godzilla, the UT tower and too many cars. This is the view from the parking lot of Boomerangs, where we had Australian meat pies for lunch. Afterward we went to Fiddler's Green to look for music and to Bananarchy for chocolate-covered frozen bananas. 103 degrees today.

Yeah, Austin's like that.

my back fence


mayfield park and laguna gloria

Sarah introduced us to a couple new places downtown today.

bw peacock

July 29, 2010

pulled the e-reader trigger

It took me about 30 seconds to go ahead and order the new Kindle 3 today. I'd been mulling over an e-reader for a while; I looked at the Nook last weekend but the touchscreen interface didn't do it for me. I like what Amazon has done with this new one - glad they didn't muck it up with a touch screen or other add-ons.


July 27, 2010

July 25, 2010


heat index

South side of the North San Gabriel this morning. The is the time of year when every hiker looks like Pigpen from Peanuts, but it's not a cloud of dirt, it's grasshoppers.

July 23, 2010

sand dollars

Upon our kitchen windowsill. (I catch myself daydreaming about CA and WA beaches a lot lately.)

day off

Took a badly needed day off today and went for a ride. (A recent conversation: Me - "I wish I could get it together." Her - "Me too.")

July 22, 2010

July 16, 2010

o rly

Apparently I write like David Foster Wallace. (Via the inimitable rebecca.)

Freaky. (I've never read his work but now I shall.)

July 14, 2010

armageddon preparations

Coffee! If these work, I'll have something with which to barter when the economy collapses.

I planted eight of these little guys in two large pots and then the remaining seven in two of the square-foot boxes outside, between the insect-devoured cabbage stalks. (Three of my boxes are in the shade, so they've turned out to be not much good for anything but radishes. Even after the upcoming worldwide economic collapse, I can't see people trading TP for radishes. But coffee? I'll have to buy a shotgun.)

It will likely be six or eight or ten years before these plants produce any beans, if ever. Planning ahead, you know. We're hot and humid here, but at 750-ish feet, our elevation is 3,250 feet or so below optimum. I figure there's no way I'm the first in these parts to try this, and Texas is not known for its coffee beans. But hey, worth a shot: $10 for two four-inch pots of seedlings just might turn out be the best investment I'll ever have made.

July 10, 2010

July 9, 2010

july butterflies

Lots of these around lately. They wait and ambush each other and get into great tumbling battles above the garden.

raindrop on the retama

Little things.

July 6, 2010

July 4, 2010